Discover. Grow. Connect. Welcome to the Rubicon Summer Festival

Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2024
The entrepreneurial festival dedicated to personal & professional growth.
‍Location: Gazon, the most beautiful summer bar in Ghent.
‍Time: From 10:00 in the morning until the stars shine over Ghent.
For whom: 350 members of the Rubicon, Better Growth, Ommetoer & 50 invited guests.
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The festival for personal and professional growth

Forget generic and noisy keynotes in large halls.

In the beautiful setting of Lawn, amidst lush greenery and under the open sky, this year's Rubicon Summer Festival will take place.

Not a standard networking event, but a carefully designed program of workshops, depth & music for today's entrepreneur. Here, personal and professional growth go hand in hand.

network with relevant
sounding board

For the entrepreneur of the 21st century

The festival is specifically designed for the 350 entrepreneurs who are members of Rubicon, Better Growth or Ommetoer in Flanders, Amsterdam or Utrecht. They all value vulnerability and depth and understand that personal growth is the catalyst for their entrepreneurship.

For a limited group we also open the doors: we invite 50 aspiring members who want to enjoy this day and get to know the Rubicon Family.

Choose from more than 30 keynotes & workshops

With more than 30 (!) leading experts, we explore a wide range of topics - from the latest trends in AI and the power of emotional intelligence to the transformative effects of psychedelics and dealing with grief.

This festival is a unique opportunity not only to learn and connect, but also to explore unexpected perspectives and new insights.

sounding board

Deeply connecting with peers

The Summer Festival goes far beyond traditional networking events. It provides a safe haven for reflection, learning and real connections.

Although we welcome over 300 guests, the focus will be on your deep connection with some relevant peers.Whether you're looking for an inspiring day, to connect with like-minded people at the campfire or simply to party, it's all possible here.

Exclusively for members of the Rubicon Family

As a member of Rubicon, Better Growth or Ommetoer, you enjoy free admission to the Summer Festival as part of your Membership.

For the adventurous non-members we offer the possibility to participate by invitation, so you too don't have to miss out on this unique experience. The ideal way to get to know the members of our communities.


Meet the Speakers & Facilitators

This amazing gang is ready to give their best during their keynotes and workshops.
More to be announced soon! 👀

The Superpower of Sleep
Aisha Cortoos

Aisha Cortoos is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and doctor of psychology.

Her mission and passion is to convey scientific information to the general public in an understandable and applicable way so that everyone can properly demonstrate self-leadership.

Her superpower is to convey complex material in a particularly clear and accessible way that you, as a listener, can start working on immediately.

Benedicte Goesaert

As an art liaison & curator, Benedicte has a passion for looking at and living with contemporary art. Together with her team, she provides personal guidance on integrating art into one's life, conducts research on the life of artworks and curates exhibitions.

How can looking and collecting art feed the creative agility of your brain and intensify the connection with your feeling center?

In this workshop you will become more aware of your way of looking, thinking, feeling and interpreting. You will also gain some insights and tips regarding purchasing art.

Entrepreneurship & Relationships
Frans Van Laere & Mirjam Koudijzer

Mirjam & Frans are extremely experienced coaches who are passionate about love.

They believe that couples today experience an awful lot of challenge in their relationships, AND that love is often strained as a result.

They also see a world where, as a result, people unnecessarily grow apart or lose each other in the struggle to succeed in business and build a nice life.

During this workshop you will discover how to keep love alive in your relationship - even when you have another ànother love, namely your business.

Greg Carrette

In addition to coaching at Rubicon, Greg is the inspirer of True Nature.

True Nature organizes psychedelic retreats for entrepreneurs and business leaders. Magic mushrooms, breath work, cold baths and yoga are used to bring professional and personal breakthroughs to participants.

The retreats are co-led by medical staff to create the safest possible environment.

Connecting Communication in the face of criticism
Heinrike Bergmans

Heinrike Bergmans is a transformation guide for changemakers of our time. Transformation requires being present in the eye of the storm and surfing the waves of change.

With nearly 25 years of experience in bodywork and coaching, she guides by providing insight into the mechanisms of body wisdom.

As a sparring partner, she trains and refines capacity building in changemakers so that they are truly present in the tension between transformation and resistance.

Co-Founder Conflicts
Iris Gündel

As the founder of the Prediation® methodology, Iris Gündel emphasizes the need for innovation in collaboration. Her approach focuses on preventive engagement and relationship-based contracting.

With her expertise, Iris strives to help entrepreneurs and organizations improve their collaboration dynamics and create long-term value.

Iris is the founder and owner of Voorkans and Voorkans Academy, which is all about the new collaboration.

From Marketer to Funeral Director
Isabelle Dumortier

"A path that transformed not only my career, but also my outlook on change, life & death.

This presentation highlights the valuable lessons I have learned about finding and daring to follow my calling.

In addition, among other things, we explore how marketing & innovation principles are proving surprisingly useful in respectfully renewing the funeral industry, an industry shrouded by taboo. I share insights from the power of storytelling and customer experience, and how they contribute to meaningful change in how we deal with death."

Entrepreneur Constellations
Jozefien De Feyter

You might know Jozefien as the author of the book "Less Contact, More Impact" and as 1 of the founders of the RIO® methodology. She is also founder and CEO of BLINC, a sales consulting company that has been making the unique connection between sales and personal development for 15 years.

For 20 years Jozefien has immersed herself in Voice Dialogue, organizational constellations, systemic work and coaching. Her heart beats for the magic of life and the pursuit of depth in everything she does. During the Rubicon Festival you can come to Jozefien with your most pressing entrepreneurial question or a big chunk of curiosity . Using hands on systemic exercises and mini-constellations you and the group will get things moving again.

Self-care anno 2024
Laura du Bois

As a body-oriented therapist, Laura is incredibly passionate about all things human and personal development. Her work is characterized by being simultaneously gentle, powerful and incisive.

Breathwork is one of her favorite methods for flying under the radar for a moment and making space for that which is needed here and now in order to (remain) firm.

Be welcome to come try breathwork with us and discover what your body is telling you.

Organizational Constellations
Leen Van Breedam

Leen Van Breedam is an expert in Organizational Development and Change Management. She founded the company 'Kudoz' to guide accountants, notaries and lawyers, as well as other SMEs, to run their organizations more efficiently, better and happier.

In this workshop you will learn how (complex) organizational issues can be examined from a systemic perspective.

A well-known tool from systemic coaching are organizational constellations. You gain insight into the systemic dynamics underlying these issues and learn how to repair them with a constellation, or how to gain deeper insight into them.

Liesbet Boone

Liesbet Boone is a doctor of psychology, leadership coach and co-founder of Conundrum.

She wrote the book "Not Perfect, Yet Satisfied" from the observation that many entrepreneurs and leaders struggle with their perfectionism. In her book, coachings and keynotes, she works toward a positive alternative: optimism.

Her mission is to support entrepreneurs not only to know their business inside and out, but also to know themselves better. So that they can realize their ambitions with more satisfaction and confidence, without having to lower the bar as a result.

Manu Keirse

Prof. Manu Keirse is professor emeritus at the Faculty of Medicine of KU. Leuven and Emeritus Professor part-time at the Benelux University in Eindhoven. From 1999 to 2003, he was Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Public Health and Environment.

Previously, he worked as a clinical psychologist in a psychiatric hospital, in the management of the University Hospitals KU Leuven as Director of Patient Counseling, and 10 years as general manager - director of the Regional Hospital in Leuven.

In 2018, he received a medal of honor from the Flemish Government for being the man who taught Flanders to grieve.

Leaving a Legacy
Marieke Harderwijk

Marieke Harderwijk has been working with the Scaling up methodology since 2012 and has worked for several scaleups. Marieke is co-shareholder and CEO of Scaleup Impact.

With Scaleup Impact, they guide ambitious impact entrepreneurs and their team to build a future-proof business through practical educational programs. So that they work together inspiredly on the most important thing of all.

‍"We believe that impact entrepreneurs are the sparks for change. Together, we are building the new standard for successful business. Future-proof companies that dynamically balance profit, purpose and people."

Happiness & Psychology
Michael Vlerick

Michael is a philosopher of science at Tilburg University. In his work, he applies evolutionary theory to important philosophical domains, such as knowledge, society and happiness.

Michael wants to make philosophy accessible to a wide audience and hopes to contribute to a happier and more harmonious society.

Michael tackles questions including: Why does criticism stick around longer than a compliment? Why do we devise countless doomsday scenarios for the future Why are we not happier, even when we objectively have every reason to be?

Getting a Grip on Your Figures
Nicholas De Nil

After graduating as a civil engineer, Nicholas spent 10 years working for large companies such as AB Inbev and Omega Pharma where, as Business Controller, he literally formed the bridge between the bookkeeping department and the management team. There he developed a passion for translating complex figures into understandable insights and actionable advice.

5 years ago, Nicholas turned this passion into the mission to help every company in Belgium (and beyond) get a grip on its numbers. From this was born Bizzcontrol, an advisory software aimed at accountants who want to go beyond accounting. Today, Bizzcontrol counts 25 employees, and via 200 accountancy offices, more than 50.000 entrepreneurs are helped to really understand their figures and make better business decisions.

Leaving a Legacy
Pieter van Osch

Pieter van Osch has been a tech entrepreneur since 1986 and a certified Scaling up coach since 2008. Pieter is founder and co-shareholder of Scaleup Impact.

With Scaleup Impact, they guide ambitious impact entrepreneurs and their team to build a future-proof business through practical educational programs. So that they work together inspiredly on the most important thing of all.

‍"We believe that impact entrepreneurs are the sparks for change. Together, we are building the new standard for successful business. Future-proof companies that dynamically balance profit, purpose and people."

Robin Cuypers

With STREVER, Robin Cuypers gives aspiring entrepreneurs like you certainty about their prices, so they don't leave money on the table and can finally charge the price they're worth.

Pricing is hard! Robin knows that better than anyone. The subject is nuanced for your business activity and what's more, it has a huge impact on your numbers. If your pricing is not optimal, you will feel it in all other areas of your business.

That's why we are organizing a pricing workshop at the Summer Festival. So that we can interactively map out your strengths and areas of improvement with regard to pricing. After this workshop you will know exactly where you can take your pricing to the next level.

Strategy Masterclass
Ruben D'Hooghe

Ruben D'Hooghe is the driving force behind Kommodoor, where he helps companies find structure in chaos and make smart strategic choices.

With a master's degree in General Management from Vlerick Business School and experience at Tomorrowland, Ruben has accumulated a wealth of knowledge in mentoring startups and service companies.

When he is not strategizing, he enjoys good food and drink, often at a cozy wine bar. He also enjoys sports and is currently working on the challenging 75 Hard Challenge. In his session, Ruben shares how to tackle strategies with flair and fun.

DNA as a new USB flash drive?
Sander Wuyts

Sander is a bioengineer and suddenly made world news in January 2018 with features on BBC (UK), Vice (US) and Ukrainian TV, among others.

He was the first to succeed in solving a 3-year-old puzzle by extracting a Bitcoin from DNA.

A unique experience that launched his career and taught him many lessons of entrepreneurship.

Is Crossing The Rubicon Top Sport?
Servaas Bingé

Doctor Servaas studied family medicine, emergency medicine, sports medicine and functional medicine. Today he is a lifestyle and sports medicine physician, author, speaker and entrepreneur.

He worked for many years as a team physician with some of road cycling's great champions. As an entrepreneur, he is active as co-founder of Leadlife, the health dashboard of the future.

A good coach makes himself redundant. Doctor Servaas wants to do the same as a doctor: With his (e)books he has made many tens of thousands of people aware of the things we can control ourselves.

Speaking with impact
Stefanie Van Moen

As a speaker coach and communication trainer, Stefanie is a lever for people who have something to say in this world.

'Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.' In this way, we grow sustainably and exponentially toward a world filled with authentic stories, brought to us by engaging people.

She has since translated her passion for those beautiful voices and punishing stories into 2 books and as a passionate TEDx speaker coach.

Breathwork & Somatics
Steven Ebbers

Steven is a qualified Breathwork Facilitator, an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited Coach and has a background in clinical psychology (MSc).

He currently works as a Breathwork and Somatic therapist in London and offers both 1:1 and group sessions.

He has also been a professional athlete and worked for many years in and for companies working in the field of wellness and personal development.‍

Sales EQ
Thierry D'haenens

Thierry, founder of our 2nd community Better Growth, gets tons of energy from community, marketing & sales.

Ask him all about bringing your story to your target audience with the latest strategies and tools.

The Power of Gen Z

TrueCore feels the importance and desire of our young people to be able to contribute to a hopeful and livable world from their talents.

From TrueCore Leadership, we offer insights and tools to connect each generation from their essence from their strength and their talent. It is just those teams that can contribute from their uniqueness, feel better and take the organization to the next level.

As organizational and people enablers, Gert Mertens, Elke Busschots and Yuri De Keuster together form TrueCore, a partnership deeply rooted in authenticity, expertise and passion.

Artificial Intelligence
Xander Steenbrugge

ChatGPT, who is Xander Steenbrugge?

"Xander Steenbrugge is a Belgian machine learning researcher and a generative artist. He specialized through his master's thesis on brain-computer interfaces and was later head of the applied research department at ML6, a Belgian AI company.

Now he works as an independent researcher, primarily focused on generative media, developing tools that promote creative expression and collaboration between humans and machines. Steenbrugge is also a speaker and has a YouTube channel on which he discusses machine learning topics to make complex AI concepts accessible to a wide audience."


In proud cooperation with

Rubicon Festival 2024

Will we see you too at this summer's finest Festival?
We promise you a day full of inspiration, wonder, and warm connections. See you then!
Request your invitation