
These people "Crossed the Rubicon," and this is what they (after)tell about it:

I looked for sounding boards but they always remained superficial, it never went to the core. Until I discovered Rubicon, where I can spar with my peers about my challenges.

Laura De Smet, Founder of LAUD

Rubicon holds up a mirror to me. Learning to fathom yourself, bringing unconscious beliefs to the surface and working to become a 1% better version of yourself every day. That's what I like to invest in.

Liesa Coulleit, founder uncovr

The network is full of people you can turn to, people who go full steam ahead for their business. In the Whatsapp group, there are always entrepreneurs eager to help.

Kaat Claessens, Co-Founder of The Mocktail Club

Friends and family often don't understand what I'm struggling with. At Rubicon, I can spar purposefully about the obstacles and opportunities presented on my entrepreneurial plate.

Sarah Parent - founder of GoForest

I was looking for certain network of entrepreneurs in the same stage of life as me. I experience different challenges than those of a startup: we are now in a strong growth phase, managing a top team is one of my main challenges today. Until Rubicon, I did not find the sounding board and answers to those questions in other communities.

Matthias Browaeys - founder WinWinner & The Harbour
guys are sitting and meditating

"I looked for sounding boards but they always remained superficial, it never went to the core. Until I discovered Rubicon, where I can spar with my peers about my challenges." - Laura De Smet, Founder of Imroder

"The impact on me as an individual, person and especially leader is huge. I learn from other entrepreneurs here much faster than attending an expensive training course." - Lien Louwagie, Managing Director of Gig & Grow

"Now I can immediately present my challenges to a group of peers, which otherwise I would have had to spend a long time bitching about " - An-Marie Buyse, Partner at Aginco

"Sometimes I'm so focused on my work that I'm already tempted not to push the pause button, but just then I decide to go anyway. Because then space is freed up in your head, you are pulled out of your tunnel vision." - Saar Dietvorst - manley

4 guys are standing and talking

Don't take our word for it

In conversation with Arnaud Deveugle: "Actually, nothing you believe is true. You always know only one piece of the puzzle"

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I want what they're having!

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