
"If you don't put your team first, you will never play at the top level."

Nicolas De Coster
June 28, 2021
8 mins read

Things are going fast for Ludovic Ampe, co-founder of Neuroventis. Not only did the company recently raise one million euros, but the entrepreneur was just nominated for the "Forbes 30 Under 30" list. The rapid growth that Neuroventis is experiencing is both challenging and exciting for Ludovic. However, this does not diminish his ambitious plans: "In 3 years, we can be a world leader."

Although Ludovic was already setting up all kinds of business as a young student, he does not immediately consider starting as an entrepreneur and starts his career as a consultant. A move for his then job, makes him think about wanting something different. "When I lived in Stockholm for a while for my work as a management consultant, I ended up in the local start-up scene there," Ludovic looks back.

"For example, I realized that I had always been very entrepreneurial, but had never taken the step to become an entrepreneur. When I reconnected with many founders in a subsequent job, I made the click: I also want to become an entrepreneur. I also quickly knew in which sector. The healthcare sector always fascinated me. Besides having a passion for entrepreneurship, I also have a passion for people," he says.

While looking for a challenge, Ludovic comes across his co-founder Jonathan Schreiber. He is developing Helpilepsy, a platform for epilepsy patients and doctors. Ludovic decides to join the company: "My co-founder's brother has epilepsy. As I learned more about the condition, I wanted to help make it my mission. I delved into the medical field and was amazed at the opportunities. I saw opportunities to improve patients' quality of life."

Digital platform for neurology

Driven to change that, the two continue to build Helpilepsy. Today, it is already equally active as a monitoring platform. It allows patients to better track things like their seizures, side effects and medications. Their treating physician thus gets a clear and objective view of this data. "It is currently mostly reactive. But it allows patients to take a more active role in their health. Although the intention is to develop algorithms in the short term," Ludovic explains.

"We collect a lot of data, which allows us to understand better and better what triggers an attack now. This allows us to personalize the apps. If we see a link between sleep deprivation and seizures in someone, we can advise that person to get enough sleep, for example," the entrepreneur outlines.

"Nothing stops us, other than building a team fast enough."

Meanwhile, the duo also stepped up to develop another similar application: MigraineManager, which targets headache patients. To bundle all existing and future applications, there is the umbrella platform Neuroventis. "There is demand from doctors for such monitoring for other neurological diseases. Today there is already Helpilepsy and MigraineManager, but we are now looking at whether we can also develop something for diseases such as Parkinson's and MS. Ultimately, we want Neuroventis to be the platform for neurology, because we believe this is the way to ultimately create the most value for patients themselves."

To support the growth of Neuroventis, the founders recently raised one million euros in funding. "With this we want to bring new products to the market, but also further internationalize," the co-founder clarifies. "We can become really big. Neuroventis can become the world leader in digital neurology within three years, in my opinion. We know how to launch new products quickly, the software is easy to translate and doctors everywhere need it. Nothing is stopping us, other than building a stable team fast enough."

The challenges of growth

In recent months, the company grew from 2 founders to a team of 18 people. Something that does not sit in the cold with the entrepreneur. "The growth of Neuroventis fascinates me enormously, but also has a big impact on me personally," Ludovic says. "Your job changes completely. From doing everything yourself to delegating almost everything. We grew a little too fast to have a healthy balance in that. Finding that balance has been a challenge so far. I have no problem delegating things, but you have to provide the necessary supervision and follow-up to that. That's kind of new for me."

"I need the mirror held up to me by the Rubicon group."

"That's also why I'm at Rubicon. When you see the team expand so quickly, you do start thinking about certain things. How can I coach this team? Where do I want to go myself? The fact that you speak from entrepreneur to entrepreneur is something I find tremendously interesting. I'm always skeptical of people who come and explain it once, but have never done it themselves. Here is the right mentality. I need the mirror held up to me by the group," says the entrepreneur.

"I also learned to understand myself better there. My strengths, my role and where I see myself in the future. Also a lot of practical tips, about when it's the right time to recruit senior profiles, for example. I used to find it difficult to prioritize things. I used to take clients for granted, but that's looking short-term. Now the team is completely number one. I think that is THE long-term success. If you don't do that, one day it will avenge itself."

"The growing pains, which I always thought were cliché, we really did go through ", Ludovic concludes. Yet that does not discourage him. "The great reactions we get from doctors and patients motivate me to keep going for it. The growth we are experiencing is challenging, but at the same time very exciting."

This interview was conducted and written by the fabulous Lara Deraes

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