Rubicon is the only international networking organization that goes to the core, where deep connections are made, and personal development is paramount.
Entrepreneurship is the best way to change the world. We all agree on that. But traditional thinking about "successful entrepreneurship" is vastly outdated.
In fact, a 21st century entrepreneur no longer measures success solely by sales & profits, but primarily by personal growth and network value.
We believe that exceptional stories are written when pioneers work together to define and achieve their goals, challenge each other, gain self-insight, learn to ask the right questions and grow together within a safe and confidential environment.

Meet our amazing members
92% consider "freedom" and "experiences" most important
39% are women
81% employ staff
24% are solo founders
86% are between 30 and 45 years of age
1% have (almost) unicorn status
100% would invite you to a BBQ at your home.

Values we live by
Not your cheerleaders
There is no use for that. Instead, we are challengers, rebels, critics. But always from a gentle, integer, sincere place and always with your and our growth as our higher goal.
Besides the chaos & madness of entrepreneurship, life has so much beauty to offer. Let's enjoy it together.
Transparency & vulnerability first
Possibly the most important motto at Rubicon: we truly see vulnerability as a superpower. So get ready to open up!
Open minded & welcoming in nature
We welcome new people, insights, dissenting opinions and non-conventional topics with open minds, and open arms.

Meet the Rubicon Team

Greg Carrette
Greg is a coach and psychotherapist by training and facilitates sounding board sessions and specific community workshops for our members. An ex-McKinsey consultant and VP of HR, he specializes in leadership challenges. He has also trained in Wim Hof workshops involving breathing and cold training.

Tom Dewachter
Tom has been building a deeper connection between employers and employees for years. Not only as a business manager who manages teams himself, but also as a mentor of entrepreneurs who find the transition to employer and therefore leader quite challenging. Expect confrontational questions from him that will significantly accelerate your personal growth.

Aisha Cortoos
Aisha is a doctor of psychology and gave up her secure job in the sleep lab at the UZ Brussel to start her own business. Today she combines her psychotherapeutic qualities and research mindset and translates them to the needs and challenges of entrepreneurs. In her spare time, you can find her with her nose in a fantasy book and nodding along to every possible musical note, from Metallica to Ludovico Einaudi.

Bram Meurs
Top athlete with Dutch roots and author of 3 books, so far. Asks unexpected questions that are sometimes confrontational but always brought with a good sense of humor. Likes to explain things as simply as possible. His slogan: "The most successful person is not the one with the most skills, but the one who knows how to apply these skills under all circumstances."
This fantastic team will be happy to guide you through your challenges or practical questions.

Mathias Lamiroy
Addicted to entrepreneurship, asking powerful questions and testing absurd personal growth techniques on himself. Experienced while marketing several businesses how terribly lonely this rollercoaster can be. Enjoys watching daily life with his 2 toddlers.

Mark Borgers
Carries an adventure backpack with 16 years of coaching experience in (elite) sports. He knows what it is to go through pain. Behavior, culture and group dynamics fascinate him. His path full of obstacles recently led him to Rubicon. Here he calmly and sincerely builds the interconnection of our Dutch community.

Stefaan Bonte
Discovered during his entrepreneurial career that he gets tons of energy from bringing people together. With his business book club (EBBC), he took the first step in building close-knit communities, a journey that eventually led him to Rubicon. Today, he is building out Rubicon Amsterdam, meanwhile talking in a crazy Ghent-Antwerp-Amsterdam accent.

Kaori Boel
Armed with a strong eye for detail and a listening ear, Kaori ensures that experience exceeds expectations. Trained by a lifetime in hospitality, she keeps the team on their toes to dot the 'i' on everything. Pious mom to Philippa, James 🌴 and Penelope.

Katia Krivoruchko
Katia is an energetic sales and project manager with a passion for connecting product, service and customer. She has experience in online and offline campaigns, event management and digital platforms. As a Sales Ninja and Business Support Coach, she helped entrepreneurs strengthen their personal brands. Now she is Head of Growth in the business networking industry and believes in a new definition of success, where business results and personal happiness go hand in hand. At Rubicon, she supports entrepreneurs in finding this balance.